The following describes a system to use martial art fields of experience in the 007 RPG hand to hand combat system. Some of these rules may slow down the game some what and emphasize hand to hand combat too much compared to other aspects of the game. However during certain adventures or scenarios detailed martial arts may be an essential aspect of the game. Ultimately it is up to the personal taste of the GM to include any new rules.
HTH combat skill level and martial arts training: There is an un-written rule in the basic rules that only appears by scrutinizing character descriptions. If you take a look at the "00" rank characters on p.16 of the basic rule book, both characters have HTH combat skills which disobey the rules in that a skill level can only be 2 above the characteristic value used in that skill. James Bond has a 12 skill level in HTH combat but only 9 strength, and Anya Amasova has a 14 skill level but only an 8 strength. Both characters however have high dexterity of 12 and 14 respectively. Thus I believe that certain characters are able to supersede the normal skill rules for HTH combat if they have exceptional dexterity, and martial arts training. Characters may have higher skill levels than strength+2, and may increase the HTH combat skill level up to their dexterity+2 if they have a martial art field of experience. What this represents in role-playing terms is exceptional training of the agent to perform past their normal physical capacity, and take advantage of being able to learn advanced techniques in martial arts based on dexterity rather than brute strength. You may even center an adventure around this advanced study, much like the training Bond received on the "You Only Live Twice" mission. The maximum a skill level can raise to is still 15. ( take a look at the Tiger Tanaka description in the basic rules for another example of this advanced training).
New stun rules: I have always found that the stun rules are a great
disadvantage for agent characters, who would end up spending hero points to
avoid being helpless for D6 rounds. Instead I allow a STR roll every round until
the stun is resisted (up to D6 action rounds). Additionally, the new martial art
defenses presented below (parry or block) can still be used while a character is
stunned. However, if 2 or more stuns are in effect simultaneously and not
resisted a character is helpless until at least one stun wears off or is
Another addition I have made concerns the
possibility (especially given the above rule change) that a character could be
punched and kicked with an unlimited amount of stuns without any perceivable
game effect. Instead I keep track of how many stun results are achieved against
a character and when the tally reaches 1/2 WIL (rounded up) the character takes
a light wound from the cumulative pummeling. This tally is recorded regardless
of whether the character makes a successful STR roll to resist the stun effect,
every stun inflicted is recorded. A stun tally decreases with time, every 2
hours one stun is removed from natural healing and may eventually remove any
wounds caused. First aid can't really help these lacerations before their
effects wear off naturally.
Fields of Experience
Each martial art or combative sport field of experience when acquired gains a performance modifier to a particular type of attack or maneuver. The first martial art or combative sport learned is designated the primary martial art form of that character, and represents their main hand to hand combat training. Only one other martial art or combative sport can be chosen besides the primary form, designated the secondary martial art. The primary martial art gains a performance modifier in one attack form at the HTH combat PC=15, and 25, while the secondary martial art gains a bonus only at the PC=20. Each martial art receives these PMs in one or two of seven particular attack forms including Punch, Kick, Holds, Throws, Defense, Movement, or Weapon. Any time a roll is made with this particular attack form the PM bonus is given to resolve the attack or defense. The PMs for different combative sports and martial arts are given below in table 1. When the same attack form appears twice, the PMs are additive for that attack form. . i.e. A character with Tae Kwon Do and a HTH combat PC=25 would have +2 PM on kicks. Also, the PM at PC=20 for the secondary martial art is determined by the first PM listed on table 1 under PC=15. i.e. The same character with Tae Kwon Do above has Judo as their secondary martial art, and so has a +1 PM with throws. Note that Kung-fu has many different styles available to a character (designated A to C), and only one or two may be chosen, as primary or secondary forms respectively. Lastly a performance modifier can be additive between primary and secondary martial art forms, however no bonus for any attack form can ever exceed +2. i.e. The character above with +2 in kicks would not benefit from the Jujutsu bonus if they had it as a secondary martial art. If character still wants the form the GM may allow the secondary form PC=25 bonus to be applied instead at PC=20 to avoid any potential +3 PMs.
Table 1 : Martial art and combative sport attack form performance modifiers.
Martial Art/ Combative Sport Field of Experience |
+1 PM at PC=15 | +1 PM at PC=25 | Other attack forms |
Acrobatics* | Movement | Movement | |
Aikido | Defense | Holds | Throws |
Archery* | Weapon | Weapon | |
Boxing* | Punch | Punch | Defense |
Fencing* | Weapon | Weapon | Movement |
Judo | Throws | Defense | |
Jujutsu | Kicks | Holds | Punch, & Throw |
Karate | Punch | Kicks | Movement |
Kendo | Weapon | Weapon | Movement |
Kung-Fu (A) | Punch | Punch | Weapon |
Kung-Fu (B) | Punch | Holds | Defense |
Kung-Fu (C) | Punch | Weapon | Movement |
Ninjitsu (2) | Weapon | Kick | Movement (+1 at PC=20), & Defense |
Sumo | Holds | Throw | Punch |
Tae Kwon Do | Kick | Kick | Punch, Movement |
Thai Kick Boxing (2) | Kick | Punch | Kick (+1 at PC=20), Defense, & Movement |
Wrestling* | Holds | Holds |
New Maneuvers for attack forms
In addition to PM bonuses with
various attacks, a character with martial arts training also gains an arsenal of
new special attack and defense maneuvers. Each maneuver presented in the basic
game is categorized in one of the specific attack options, and a group of new
options are given (see Table 2). Four maneuvers are given for each form, each
which is progressively more difficult to achieve success in (+0 EF to -3 EF).
Some are lesser versions of specific blows while other are totally new options.
A character who has a PM in any of these attack forms modifies each of the four
maneuvers presented. i.e. The character with a +2 PM in Kicks could perform a
a snap kick at +2, a Kick at +1, an Axe kick at +0, and a Specific blow at
-1. However the character would still have a -1 EF to hit with a knife
hand strike, etc.
Table 2: Attack form maneuvers
Attack Form
EF Mod | Punch | Kicks | Holds | Throws | Defense | Movement | Weapon |
0 | Punch | Snap Kick | Grab | Maintain Balance | Block | Dodge | Parry |
-1 | Knife hand | Kick | Lock | Push | Circular Parry | Feint | Entangle |
-2 | Specific Blow | Axe/Wheel/Cresent Kick | Restrain | Trip | Release | Rise | Specific Blow |
-3* | Power Punch | Specific Blow | Incapacitate | Throw | Block&Attack | Leap | Reposite |
* Restricted Maneuvers When a -3 EF is applied to a particular maneuver it is only available to a combatant if the martial art lists that particular attack form as part of the style. For example, a character with Judo is able to perform a throw maneuver because the style utilizes the Throws attack form. The same character could not make a power punch since Judo does not have Punch as an attack form, however any other attack of -2 EF or easier is available for use regardless of the form. Note that only one restricted maneuver can be performed in a given action round, and may not be performed if a specific blow is used in the same action round.
Bold entries, high-lighted in blue refer to attacks which are covered in the Basic rule book, and are available to all characters with hand to hand combat skill even if they have no martial arts training.
All other combat maneuvers are available to any character with at least one Martial Art field of experience, except the restricted maneuvers (-3) which are only available to a particular Martial art if the attack form they are under is listed for that style. Unlike martial art fields of experience, combative sports do not gain access to all maneuvers of -2 EF and easier, but do gain full access to all maneuvers of a particular attack form if it is listed in its description (including the restricted ones).
Descriptions of Martial Art Maneuvers
Martial Art Attack/Defence ( 0 EF )
Your character
is attempting to achieve a specific effect with a particular martial art attack
form. These maneuvers when successful achieve the minimal effects of a
particular attack form, allowing a martial artist to achieve a style specific
effect without a large penalty. Each of these attempts requires the expenditure
of one attack in an action round.
Snap Kick: Due
to martial arts training your character is able to exercise better control over
a kick, which reduces the attack modifier to '0'. However the damage class of
the snap kick is not improved and remains the same as a punch.
Grab: Your character is able to grab hold of a part of an
opponents body to restrict their full movement. A successful hit causes no
damage, but gives the attacker a +1 EF bonus on subsequent attacks until the
grab is broken. A grabbed opponent still receives their speed bonus, and can
break the grab with any successful attack, maneuver or defense.
Maintain Balance: Your character is able to resist falling from a
trip or throw result by expending one of their attacks. It is attempted at an
EF=QR of the fall result, with an extra -1 EF if the fall result was achieved by
a Throw attack. The character attempting this defense may use the Hand-to-hand
combat or Evasion skills selecting the one with a higher PC.
Block/Dodge/Parry: All of these defenses essentially use the same
game rules, however each achieves success by a different method. A block uses
the body to expertly stop a successful hit, while a dodge allows a character to
maneuver out of the way, and a parry utilizes a weapon to block a hit by another
weapon. Each of these defenses utilizes one of the defenders attacks in a given
action round to attempt and prevent a successful attack from connecting. Before
the defender decides to use such a defense they should know the nature of the
attack, the QR of the attack, and have still have an action available. Note that
the Dodge option may use Hand to hand combat or Evasion skill PCs. A successful
block/dodge/parry defense is achieved when the attack QR equals the defense QR
or better. The EF of the defense is determined by the following...
EF = 5 + (attack maneuver difficulty) -(attacker's speed) +
(defender's speed) + ( Attack form PM)
The maneuver difficulty refers to EF modifier given to the attack,
Martial art attack (0), Martial Art strike (-1), Specific Blow(-2), or
Restricted maneuver (-3). Attack form PM, refers to the PM bonus a character may
have with a particular defense, such as movement (dodge), weapon (parry), or
defense (block).
i.e. A defender with 3 speed, &
+1 PM to defense is blocking a specific blow from a opponent with 2 speed. Thus
the defense EF = 5+(-2)-(2)+(3)+(1) = 5. The defender would still have to
get a QR equal to or better than the attack which is being
Martial Art Strikes ( -1 EF )
Your character is able
to perform strikes which are more deadly than normal kicks or punches, but are
not as selectively aimed as a specific blow. Generally these strikes are a
modification of the specific blow rules, and are a bit easier to achieve but not
quite as effective. All damage causing strikes cause one wound level higher when
they connect.
Knife hand: Your character is able
to strike vital areas of an opponent to cause more physical damage. Damage is
one wound level higher.
Lock: Your character is
capable of placing a hold on one limb of an opponent to restrict their movement
options and defenses. This maneuver causes no damage. The opponent is unable to
use their speed for defense, and can be hit with a +1 EF and +1 wound level.
Conversely your character does not gain the benefit of speed to defense either,
but can use the attack form PM for holds as a defense bonus. i.e. if your
character has a +1 PM to holds an opponent receives a -1 EF to hit you while
maintaining a lock. A lock can be broken if the character maintaining it
fails a pain resistance roll, or alternatively it can be actively broken with a
successful block, parry or release.
Push: Your
character is able to push an opponent away from them, potentially causing the
opponent to be out of range, trip, hit an object or fall over an edge. A
successful push sends a character back 1/2 ft per point of strength of the
attacker in a particular direction. Objects must be determined in the path of
the push, and whether they may cause the character to stumble or act as a solid
barrier. A character who could fall receives a DEX roll at 2xQR of the push to
stay standing, however a push QR=1 always results in a fall. A solid barrier
will cause damage determined by the strength DC of the attacker. A character who
does not suffer damage or doesn't trip will have to move back into range and
thus receives the -2 EF for an attacker moving into range (for the rest of the
round). If they were pushed over 5 ft, a character will also have to spend 1
action to move back into range. If a cliff face, the edge of building or other
drop is in the direction of pushed character they may suffer falling damage. A
character may try to stop their fall when pushed over an edge if they can may a
DEX roll with an EF at the QR of the push. However, it is assumed that the
character is hanging precariously on the edge.
Circular Parry: Your character is able to block up to three
incoming attacks from different directions by expending only one action. However
all the attacks blocked must be with in 2 'draw' points of each other. i.e.
three guards (speed 1) attack an agent (speed2), rolling a 2, 3 and a 5 on the
draw, the agent can block the 2 and 3 with one action, or the 3 and 5 with one
action. However he could not block all three attacks, since the 2 and 5 draw are
separated by 3 draw points. A signal parry roll is made against the attack
which has the lowest EF to parry (see Block/Dodge/Parry above), with an
additional -1 EF for the circular parry (since it is a martial art strike). The
QR of the defense is than applied to all incoming attacks with in '2 draw'
points, to determine whether they are blocked. i.e. The first 2 attackers
from above (draw 3 and 5) decide to punch and kick the agent respectively
and both end up hitting. The agent not wanting to lose 2 actions to block
each attack, decides to use a circular parry. Normally the agent would block a
single kick attack on an EF=5, but can attempt to parry both attacks on a EF=4.
Of course the QRs would have to be determined for both attacks and the defense
to see which strikes connect or are blocked.
Feint: Your character is able to disguise their actual attack by
feigning another attack form, shifting the opponents defenses away from the
intended target. This fake attack still requires an action to be spent in a
given round, but gives the attacker an advantage to hit with their next attack.
A feint in some ways is like a parry since its success depends on the
difference in speeds, and thus reaction time, between opponents. To determine if
a Feint is successful use the following formula....
EF = 4-(Defenders speed) + (Attackers speed) + (movement PM )
The QR of the feint determines what type of advantage is given
to the next attack. The next attack is given a bonus of EF= 5-(QR of the feint)
to hit. i.e. if a QR=2 is rolled for a feint, the next attack from the
attacker is at a +3 EF to hit. Note this is a good way to overcome the
combine maneuver penalty and speed bonus of a target so that some of the harder
maneuvers have a chance of connecting.
Your character is able to pin and neutralize an opponents weapon with their own.
The chance of achieving this feat is determined by the following
EF = 4-(Defenders speed) + (Weapon
Besides neither character being able to use
their weapons while the entangle is maintained, the effects are identical to a
grab (i.e. +1EF to hit with non-weapon attack forms). The entangle can be broken
by a successful parry or release, or if the entangled character lets go of their
weapon. Note that a successful entangle can allow a disarm attempt at only
-1 EF.
Axe/Cresent/Wheel Kick: Although these
attacks are in the -2 EF category they represent a modification of the specific
blow rules allowing increased damage from a kick, equivalent to knife hand
modifiers applied to a Kick. Thus the attack is -2 EF to hit, but increases
wound level by one and DC +1 (for Kick).
Restricted Maneuvers (-3 EF)
These represent
maneuvers which are only available to characters if they have the attack form
listed under one of their martial arts or combative sports. They represent a
further modification of the specific blow rules making it more difficult to
connect, but with even better effects or damage. Can only be performed once in a
action round, and cannot be used in the same action round as a specific
Power Punch: With a massive
concentrative effort the attacker can attempt to channel considerable force at a
vital target of an opponent. The effects are a 3 wound level increase in damage.
This maneuver can only be performed every over action round. Additionally no
other special moves which are at -1 EF or worse can be performed in the same
action round as the power punch.
This is an extension of the the restrain rules and is determined in exactly the
same manner with the same effects. However any hold obtained is designed to
cause incapacitating pain, and before a release can be attempted a pain
resistance roll must be made by the defender. The EF of this pain resistance
(WIL roll) is equal to 2XQR of the hold. The character can attempt to overcome
this pain every action round, and then attempt a release when it is successful.
This maneuver does no damage.
Throw: This attack
has the same effect as as a QR=1 Trip (see basic rules), in that success
indicates that the target falls and is thrown up to 10 ft away in a direction
chosen by the attacker. This attack may have additional effects if the
throw is directed into a solid object or over the edge of large drop. A solid
object will cause damage equal to the HTH DC rating of the attacker +1, where as
being throw over an edge will cause falling damage depending on height. If no
object or edge is present no damage is inflicted, however a QR of 1 indicates
that damage is taken regardless of whether an object is in the way, at the HTH
DC rating of the attacker.
Block&attack/Reposite: This move involves the ability to
block or parry an attack, and turn the blocked attack into an advantage to
immediately counterstrike at the cost of only one action. This maneuver is
resolved exactly like a normal parry or block, but with an additional -3 EF.
When the block or parry is successful it results in an automatically successful
counterstike by the defender. Thus, if the QR rating of block/parry is equal to
the attack than the resulting automatic attack/reposite is a QR=4, and is
further reduced by 1 QR for every QR the defense is better than the attack.
i.e. An attack with a QR=3 is parried by a QR=2 reposite, indicating the
defender receives an automatic attack with a QR=3 (4-1 better). Thus a QR=1
attack can only blocked with another QR=1 and would have a counterstrike of
QR=4. Considering the restriction on how many restricted maneuvers can be
used in a round, the automatic counterstrike must be a normal Attack (+0 EF).
Note that the automatic counterstrike may be parried or reposited as
Leap: Your character is able to leap
strategically into and out of a HTH combat range. The character ignores the
coming into range -2 EF modifier, when a successful Evasion roll at EF=5 is
rolled to resolve the leap and an action is spent. The -3 EF comes into play if
the character also chooses to attack while airborne. This is only possible if
the character has won the draw roll with all opponents they are attacking, and
costs an additional action in addition to the leap ( both leap and attack are
resolved simultaneously but cost 2 actions). Such an attack can be in the form
of a weapon strike, punch or kick, which normally has a 0 EF modifier, but
during the leap is at -3 EF. However, the damage class of the strike will be
modified by 5-QR of the leap roll (Evasion EF=5). i.e. a QR=2 for a leap will
modify the DC of the attack by +3. Additionally, a leap can also be used to
evade any number of opponents surrounding a character from striking . If a leap
is performed to dodge any number of strikes it is made at a -3 EF on Evasion (+
Movement PM ). The QR of the leap is compared to the QR of any attacks that hit
in a given action round, and if the QR of the leap is equal or better than an
attack QR, than the attack is a evaded. Note that only the attacks that lose or
tie the draw roll with the leaping character can be avoided in this
Combative Sports
Generally this is not considered an combative sport, but when it is combine
with offensive strikes from another martial art many of the moves can become
quite effective.
Attack Forms: Movement ( +1 at Evasion PC=15, +2 at
Evasion PC=25)
Special moves: Backflip(-1 or-2):
Works as a dodge at a -1 EF, but the QR of any success is always improved by 1
for purposes of determining if a strike hits. However, the character leaves
combat range and must use a action to maneuver back in (Cartwheel, Handstand, or
Somersault), or suffer a -2EF penalty. Alternatively the backflip can be used to
attack someone behind the acrobat, by combining the flip with a Kick or punch at
a -2EF to hit, but improves the wound level by 1. A sixth sense roll
should be made to detect the opponent behind the acrobat, likewise the target of
the attack may also have to make a sixth sense roll or suffer surprise penalties
for the un-expected nature of the attack. Breakfall (0): This is an
alternative to attempting to block a successful strike to the acrobat, instead
the character rolls with strike to reduce the damage that will occur. This costs
1 action in the round, and can only be performed once. Success is determined by
an Evasion roll at 2xQR of the successful hit. The damage is decreased by one
wound level with QR=4, 2 wound levels with QR=3 or 2, and 3 wound levels
with QR=1. This same skill can be used to roll with a successful Trip or Throw
with the same chance of succeeding based on an Evasion roll at 2xQR of the
throw. Success means that character does not have to spend an action to use the
Rise specific blow. Cartwheel(-1): Can be used by the acrobat to move
quickly into range of another combatant, so that the -2 moving into range
penalty is ignored for the first action round. A typical Evasion roll at EF=5
determines success, and must be the first action to be spent in the round.
Additionally the acrobat may combine this maneuver with a martial art
strike, knife hand (-1) or Axe/Wheel kick (-2), both which suffer an additional
-1 EF to hit but receive an extra +1 wound level from momentum. This option
requires another action to be spent, but is used simultaneously with the first
maneuver. Handstand(-1): Can be used in a similar manner to a cartwheel,
to move into combat range with out penalty at Evasion EF=5, costing 1
action. Any Kick can be combine with this maneuver at an additional -1 EF to
hit and an additional +1 to DC, on the first attack only, and is
used simultaneously with handstand action. Handstand can be used as a dodge
attempt with the normal rules, but Evasion must be used as the active PC. The
handstand does not push the acrobat out of range. Somersault(-1): Like
the other maneuvers this enables the acrobat to move into combat range with out
penalty at the cost of 1 action, Evasion EF=5. Can be used offensively to
enhance damage of kicks, punches or small weapons, at an additional -1 EF and
+1wound level. Only attacks up to a -1 EF on the attack form table can be used
this way. The maneuver and attack both cost an action, but ar resolved
simultaneously. Defensively this action can be used as a dodge at -1 EF, but a
successful somersault improves the QR by 1 to determine the avoidance.
Like Backflip the character moves out of effective range (-2 EF).
This is the skill to use the bow or crossbow in competition and hunting.
Versions of this weapon can be found in a wide range of countries and cultures.
Unlike other HTH combat skills the PC for this weapon is calculated by
(PER+DEX)/2 + HTH combat skill.
Attack form:
Weapon (+1 at PC=15, +2 at PC=25)
Special Attacks: Quick Load: Characters with a HTH skill level of 5 or better with
archery have their S/R increased to 1 (instead of 1/2) with bows, and RL
of 2 (instead of 3) with crossbows. Characters with a HTH skill level of
12 or higher with archery have their RL reduced to 0 (instead of 1) with bows,
effectively allowing the character to fire an arrow every action round. At
HTH skill level 12, the RL of crossbows is reduced to only 1, effectively
allowing a shot every other round. Bead: Allows the same careful aim as
described under fire combat.
Weapons: Long
bow (see Q-manual), other bows will have similar characteristics. Modern
composite bows will have the same statistics but have a + 1 PM. Crossbow
(see Q-manual). Arrows and bolts may have modern razor sharp heads increasing
the DC of these weapons by 2.
Attack form: Weapon (+1 at PC=15, +2 at PC=25), Movement
Special Attacks: Slash (0): Normally fencing weapons are used to thrust (unless it is a sword). This
attack is harder to block due to its unexpected nature (-1 EF ), but the attack
does not gain the bonus from the sword to DC. This maneuver is only
valuable with in a duel with fencing blades. Disengagement/Taking the Blade
(-1): These sword attacks involve maneuvers with in a duel,
either changing the angle of a thrust at the last minute, or knocking a blade
out of the way before the attack respectively. These attacks are difficult
to perform with a -1 EF,and cause one extra wound level when they connect
in a duel. These attacks are also harder to block in a duel, receiving an
extra -1 EF to parry or reposite. This option is next to useless unless fencing
with another blade wielding opponent. Compound Strike (-2): This maneuver
combines any sword attack with a series of feints to trick an opponents
defenses, making it an additional -1 EF to parry. It is a -2 EF to perform but
does not cause any more damage, but is much harder to parry since the total on
the parry would be -3 EF. It can also be combine with a normal strike, a
specific blow, entangle, disarm, slash, Disengagement/Taking the blade, or
Lunge, with cumulative negatives to hit and parry. All combinations cost only 1
attack, but only 1 compound can be performed per action round. Lunge
(-3): This attack uses the fencer's reach and entire body to strike a target
with great force. The foot work and length of arm and blade allow the fencer to
ignore the -2 EF penalty for moving into range. The attack suffers a -3 penalty
to hit but causes 2 wound levels higher, and 2 DC higher for thrusting weapons
(rapier, foil, etc.) or 1 DC higher for slashing blades (swords). Unlike
other fencing maneuvers this can be used on unarmed, or non-blade wielding
opponents. Fleche/Balestra (0): These attacks involve the duelist
moving rapidly into range from outside hand to hand combat distance by using a
running thrust or leap forward before the attack, respectively. These attacks
ignore the -2 EF moving into range penalty as long as an Evasion EF=5 roll is
successful. The fleche can be combine with a normal strike(thrust), feint,
disarm, specific blow or Disengagement/Taking the blade attack, with cumulative
penalties and effects but costing a single attack. The Balestra can be combine
with a normal strike, slash, specific blow, Lunge, feint, or entangle with
cumulative penalties and effects, and still costing a single attack. This
maneuver is only of use against opponents also wielding weapons, and gains no
benefit when attacking unarmed opponents. Inquartata (-2): This is a
specialized form of dodge which allows the defender to gain the advantage. The
dodge works as a normal dodge for all purposes except that it is at -2 EF.
However if the QR of the dodge beats the attack QR, than the defender gains a
free action or attack with their blade. Unlike a reposite the defender must roll
to hit with this new action. Note that this specialized move can only be
performed once in an action round, and is only useful against weapons. Note also
that the free action can be used for defense or movement as well.
Martial Arts
Aikido is a highly passive martial art concentrating on avoiding physical
damage, and has offensive capabilities based on catching an attack (Defense and
Holds), and mis-directing opponent momentum (Throws). However this martial
art is only effective when others attack the character since it relies heavily
on attackers force for its special moves.
Attack forms: Defense (+1
at PC=15), Holds(+1 at PC= 25), & Throws
Special Attacks: Knife hand Knock out (-1/-1): After a lock is
achieved (1st attack) a knife hand strike may be used to knock out an opponent (
2nd attack) . This attack thus receives only -1 EF to knock out, instead of the
normal -4 EF. Disarm(-1): Considering the highly defense nature of this
style disarm attempts are made at a +1 EF. Block/Throw (-2): Instead of
blocking a blow directly the Aikido artist is able to direct the attackers own
force into a throw. This works identically to a Block/attack or reposite to
determine success, with a -2 EF applied to the attempt (instead of -3). However
with a successful Block/Throw the attacker is automatically thrown instead of
counter-attacked. Additionally the throw must be in the opposite direction of
the attack, as if the attackers force continued in one direction. This gives the
defender little choice where the flip is directed. Block/Lock(-1): The
Aikido artist is able to block an incoming attack by locking an opponent's limb.
This defense is handled in the same fashion as a reposite or Block/attack, but
only suffers a -1 EF (instead of -3). The lock can be maintained as per the the
rules for Lock attacks.
Judo is a easily learned style which balances defense with standard offensive
options. It is a good style to learn for basic self defense, but works well as a
secondary martial art option.
Attack Forms: Throws (+1 at PC=15),
Defense (+1 at PC=25)
Special Attacks: Trip(-2):
This standard option when performed successfully does actual damage
depending on the attacker's hand to hand DC and the QR of the attack (but
is not considered a specific blow for damage purposes). Throw(-3):
This restricted option does damage as outlined above for trips, but with one
wound level better when successful. If obstacles are also in the way, a +2 DC is
added to the successful throw. Knockout (-3): This standard option
receives a +1 EF to perform, for a total of -3 EF.
Jujutsu is a pragmatic martial art which borrows aspects and maneuvers from
many other styles. The central philosophy is to gain victory by what ever it
takes and thus many maneuvers and attack forms are available to students of this
Attack Forms: Kicks or Punch (+1 at PC=15), Holds or Throws
(+1 at PC=25). Note that the character must choose what attack form receives
a bonus at each PC. They still are able to use the restricted maneuvers from the
form they do not have a bonus in.
Special Attacks: Drop
Kick (-2): Can combine a dodge and kick into the same
action/attack. A successful hit against the opponent can be dodged by falling to
the ground, followed by a Kick from the prone position. This attack is resolved
exactly as a Reposite or Block/attack. Breakfall: See acrobatics
Stun Attack (-2): This advanced hold allows the martial artist to attack
a vital point of the nervous system inflicting a stun effect on the victim.
Unlike a normal stun, the EF of the strength roll is equal to the QR of the
attack. Throw (-3): Throws cause damage as described in Judo.
Karate is a martial art which emphasizes power and speed to aggressively
overpower an opponent. The other aspect is mental discipline to utilize the
power to break solid objects.
Attack Forms:
Punch (+1 at PC=15), Kick (+1 at PC=25), & Movement.
Special Attacks: Tamahiwara: The
ability to break solid objects with ones hand, feet or head. A power punch must
be performed with a modifier (+5 to -2) based on thickness. Use common sense to
assess the results of success. Leap Attack (-3): Uses the leap restricted
maneuver as the first attack to close range. During this leap an attack can be
made with a damage class which is modified by 5-QR of the leap. i.e. If a
leap QR=3, than the attack during the leap would receive a +2 on its DC ( a
punch at B would be raised to a D). Can only be combine with punch, or a
snap kick at the cost of only one action for both leap and attack.
Stun Blow: Due to the power and precision of Karate punches and
kicks any successful strike has a chance of a further stun result. Any
time a successful strike (D100) roll ends in a '0', an additional stun result is
added to the damage and must be overcome by rolling on strength at EF=attack
QR+4. This effect is in addition to any WILL resistance rolls due to wounds or
STR rolls from other stun results. i.e. If a 30 is required to hit and a 10
is rolled, the QR=3 result roll ends in a '0'. Thus the victim must make a
additional STR roll to resist the stun at EF=7 (3+4), in addition to any other
effects of the strike. At PC=20 the martial artist scores an additional stun
effect on a successful hit roll ending on a '0' or a '5'. This effect is
involuntary and applies to all kicks and punches of any difficulty (0 to -3
Many manifestations of this art exist emphasizing different attack forms and
styles, including various weapons. Besides the punch attack form a student of
Kung-fu must choose what elements the rest of the Kung-fu style emphasizes,
which include better punch attacks (+2 at PC=25), holds or weapons. These
generic designations represent the most common types of Kung-fu that agents will
likely be taught, other rare forms emphasizing other attacks also exist.
Attack forms:1) Punch ( +1 at PC=15, +2 at PC=25), &
2) Punch ( +1 at PC=15), Holds(+1 at PC=25), & Defense
3) Punch (+1 at PC=15), Weapons(+1 at PC=25), & Movement
attacks: 1) Style which emphasizes Punch attacks: Overhead Fore-Knuckle Fist (-3): This attack receives a -3 EF to
hit, but increases wound level by 2 levels, DC by 1, and pain resistance by -1
EF. Uppercut (-1 ): Is at a -1 EF to hit, but increases DC by 1, the
attack receives an additional -1EF to block. Roundhouse Strike
(-2): Is at a -2 EF to hit, but increases wound level by 1 and DC by
1. This attack receives an extra -1 EF to block.
Style which emphasizes Hold attacks: Choke hold (-2): The
character is able to grab an opponents throat with one hand at -2 EF to hit,
with normal DC damage the first round. As long as the hold is maintained on
subsequent rounds the hold does the Hand to hand DC of the attacker, at
the original QR of the first attack. For defense and options this hold is
considered a Lock, since further attacks are possible from the choker. All pain
resistance rolls are at -2 EF. Grab/Kick (0/0): Character must have 2
attacks available in the same round. The first attack is to grab the victim with
both hands +0 EF, and if this succeeds the second attack is a specific shot kick
attack at a +0 EF, which does 2 additional wound levels at DC +1 for the
kick. Double Knuckle fist(-2): Is at -2EF to hit but receives a +1
on DC, increases wound level by +1, and is -1 EF for pain resistance.
3) Style which emphasizes Weapon attacks: Leap
attack (-3): see Karate for description except it can be also combine with a
weapon attack. Display prowess: Can use weapons in fast intricate
Katas for demonstration or entertainment. The display may intimidate on lookers
if they are in-experienced combatants. The EF of a display prowess attempt is
determined by Subtracting the onlookers HTH combat skill from the displayers. If
the onlooker has a higher skill than there is only an EF=1/2 that they will be
impressed. The on-looker receives a WIL roll at double the QR, failure means
they are intimidated and will receive a -1 EF in any HTH combat with the Kung-fu
artist. Parry/Dodge (+1): Due to some acrobatic training character
receives +1 EF on all weapon parries and dodges. Note if acrobatics is chosen as
a secondary martial art with this style this +1 bonus applies to all acrobatics
Weapons: 1) Spear
(DRAW: -1, DC: +2), Swords (see Q-manual) or
Staff (see Q-manual)
3) The Kung-fu artist is able to use various weapons and combinations in
their style gaining the weapon bonus. A particular weapon or combination may be
chosen at PC=10, 15, 20, & 25. Spear (DRAW:-1,
DC:+2), Sword (see Q-manual), Knife (see Q-manual), Paired
swords (see Q-manual), Nunchaku (see Q-manual), Paired
Nunchaku (see Q-manual), Paired Sai (DRAW:+1, DC:+1), +2 bonus to
parry. Three sectional staff (Draw:0 DC:+2), +1 bonus to entangle,
Whips( Draw:+1, DC:stun only ), +1 bonus to entangle, Paired Whips
( Draw: +1, DC: stun only),+1 bonus to entangle, and Whip &
Ninjitsu (Restricted)
Ninjas have been encountered in many James Bond movies, and have been
popularized as fantastic martial artists. Thus they are the only martial art I
have given more mental and spiritual powers due to their intense secret
training, and should remain NPCs for the most part. All Ninja must have Ninjitsu
as both their primary and secondary martial art (as it is designed below),
meaning that Ninjitsu counts as 2 martial arts. Skills which Ninja should have a
high PC in are Disguise, Evasion, Fire Combat, Hand to hand combat,
Lockpicking/Safecracking, Mountaineering, Sixth Sense, & Stealth.
Attack form: Weapon (+1 at PC=15), Movement (+1 at PC=20), Kick (+1
at PC=25), & Defense
Special Attacks: Roll/Knockdown (-2): This is a combined acrobatics maneuver which
is aimed at the legs of an opponent. It is at -2 EF to perform on the Evasion
PC, and the effects are exactly like a trip specific blow. However the Ninja is
now behind the felled opponent. This can be used in combination with a dodge,
and is resolved the same as a Block/parry or reposite attempt.
Cartwheel: see acrobatics Backflip: see acrobatics. Leap
attack(-3): see Karate, except it can also be combine with a weapon
attack. Critical/Death Blow (assassination): When the Ninja attacks
with surprise and/or from rear they have a chance to inflict a mortal injury by
hitting a vital area of the opponent. This effect is only available when the
Ninja has HTH combat skill level equal to 5 or greater. If a surprise or rear
attack succeeds and the D100 roll ends with a '0' than a critical strike
is obtained. A critical strike increases the wound level by 1 if the the Ninja
is attacking either with surprise or from the rear, however if she is attacking
with both surprise and from the rear the wound level is raised by 2. Ninja
with HTH combat level of 12 or higher score a critical hit on a successful roll
to hit ending with either a '0' or a '5'. These attacks can be a strike with a
weapon, punch or kick, and can be from a regular attack (+0 EF), martial art
attack (-1 EF), specific blow (-2 EF), or restricted maneuver (-3
Special Abilities: Pain Resistance: Ninja
receive +2 EF against all pain resistance rolls. Awareness: Ninja receive
+2EF on all PER or Sixth Sense rolls due to dedicated martial arts training.
Disguise: Ninja Receive +2 EF on generic disguises due to training of how
to mimic and pre-setup costumes. Escapeology: Ninja are able to loosen
bonds and disjoint themselves to escape capture. Primary chance is based on DEX
+ Evasion skill level, where EF is dependent on the difficulty of the
Weapons: Ninjas can use their weapon
bonus with two weapons automatically, and gain another weapon to use with their
bonus at PC=10, 15, 20, & 25. Ninja sword (DRAW:+1, DC: +2,
CON:+2), Knife (DRAW: +1, DC: +1, CON:-4), Kursai-gama, a Sickle
with attached chain with a weight (DRAW: -1, DC: +2, CON:+3 ), gains +1 to
entangle and disarm attempts. Kyoketsu-Shoge, A cord with a hooked
blade fastened to one side, and a weighted ring to the other (DRAW: 0, DC: +1,
CON:-4 ), gains +1 EF to entangle and be used to as a bola to effectively lock
or restrain an opponent. Shikomi-zue, a bamboo staff with a concealed
blade in one end, allowing it to be used as a spear. (DRAW:-1 DC:+2).
Shuriken (see Q-manual). Blow Gun (DRAW: -2, DC:poison determines
effects, CON:-2) Kawanaga, another cord weapon with a grapple on one end
and weight on the other. (DRAW:-2, DC: +1, CON:-3). Entangle attempts at +1 EF,
scaling small walls or barriers +2 EF on mountaineering. Can be left as a trip
cord for pursuers with a successful booby trap roll. Cat Claws,
(functionally same as Bagh Nakh, see Q-manual ), but gain +1 EF to
mountaineering with out proper equipment. Mouth Darts, needles that
be carried in the mouth and spit. (Draw: +2, DC:stun only, CON: -6), this
weapon can be used to surprise an opponent with great effect and cause a stun
result. The QR of the attack equals the EF to resist the stun, which cannot be
shaken by high strength.
Sumo (Restricted)
These massive wrestlers are nearly always in the top weight and height
categories of the game, close to 300 pounds (70 fame points, 10 Gen. points) and
least 5'10', but usually over 6 ft. Additionally a character must have at least
a 12 Strength, but more often will have 14 or 15 if they are professional.
Sumo is only taught in Japan were it is an active sport, and the combine size
and strength requirements insure it is a restricted martial art. Due to physical
training and bulk Sumo Wrestlers receive a +2 EF on pain resistance and shake
off rolls.
Attack Forms: Holds (+1 at PC=15), Throws (+1 at PC=25),
& Punch.
Special Attacks: Body Block/knockback
(-3): Due to the massive nature of the sumo wrestler they are able to block
an attack with their entire body, which also may knockdown the attacker. The
body block is resolved as a Block&Attack (-3) with success causing the
normal HTH DC of the sumo wrestler, and an additional trip effect. Only a
successful dodge may be used to counter all these effects, while a successful
maintain balance allows the character to remain standing but they still take
damage. Power Block (-1): see Kendo. Bear hug (-3): The Sumo
wrestler uses their massive strength and bulk to restrain and crush an opponent
in their arms. The attack does damage depending on the wrestler HTH DC,
and once achieved can only be broken with a release, since the person is
helpless to attack. For simplicity assume the same QR rating is maintained
for all following rounds, including damage inflicted. Maintain Balance:
Due to their massiveness Sumo Wrestlers are difficult to knockdown, and receive
+2 EF on maintain Balance.
Tae Kwon Do
A martial art dedicated to hard strikes with the feet which is commonly
taught as a offensive style for military personal.
Attack Forms: Kicks(+1 at PC=15, +2 at PC=25), Punch, & Movement.
Special Attacks: Flying Jump Kick (-4): This
attack is actually an extension of the tables and represents the restricted
advanced maneuver for kicks. Receives a -4 to hit, but the damage is 3 wound
levels higher and the DC +1. It must be the first attack in a round, requires
the attacker to be out of HTH range before executing the attack and ignores
moving into range penalties. Reverse turning Kick (-2
or-3):Combines a dodge with a Kick, is resolved exactly like a
Block&Attack. The kick can be either a snap kick (-2 EF) or a kick (-3 EF),
with appropriate damage class bonus. Flying reverse turn kick (-5) :
exactly like the Flying Jump kick except the extra turning increases the DC
by one more class (total 3 wound levels, and DC +2). Butjapgo
Chagi(0/-1): Is a combination Grab/ kick, where one opponent is grabbed
while another is hit with more momentum due to the leverage. Costs only one
attack, but requires a successful grab roll (0), followed by a specific blow
kick at only -1 EF, receiving +1 DC (for a kick) and 2 wound level increase. The
grab can also be on a material object if required.
This powerful martial art is the national sport of Thailand, and counts as 2
martial arts when taken (both primary and secondary). A character must have a
speed of 2 and 8 DEX to qualify for this martial art.
Attack forms:
Kicks(+1 at PC=15, +2 at PC=20), Punch (+1 at PC=25), Defense, & Movement
Special Attacks: Reverse Turning Kick(-3 or
-2): see Tae Kwon Do. Shin Kick(-1): receives
the normal penalty for a kick but damage is increased to + 2 DC instead of 1,
and pain resistance is -1 EF. Can only be used once in a round. Jump
Kick(-3): Is similar to a specific blow kick (-3 EF, +2 wound levels), but
receives a +2 DC on the kick, instead of +1. This attack must be the first in
the round. Drop Kick: see Jujitsu. Lightning Form: The kick boxer
is able use all of their attacks/actions for a round in a single initial attack
on one opponent. Thus all of the attacks are rolled and determined before any
other characters are able to attack the kick boxer. This form must be the first
attack in a action round, and is all or nothing, so that the boxer has no chance
to dodge or parry for the rest of the action round. The attacks can include one
specific blow, and any combination of other easier kicks.
New or Rare Martial Arts
1) Training: As mentioned previously a character with proper training can utilize their agility (DEX) to learn advanced martial arts techniques (higher skill levels). Like James Bond on the "You Only Live Twice" mission you may have a martial arts training school as part of an adventure, which could include exposure to exclusive training of a particular martial arts style. This could include bouts with other students, or potential assassination attempts by infiltrators (as in the movie). Alternatively this idea could be used for an extensive scenario centering just on the training of the character, and could detail the process and the characters surrounding the teaching. To spice this idea up the scenario could be expanded by involving the protection of the school, infiltration to a triad, or investigation of another student or teacher. This is a good way of initially introducing Martial Arts fields of experience to the game.
2) Blood Tournament: Characters with a high HTH combat PC and a martial art field of experience may be invited to participate in a full contact martial art tournament in a far off locale such as Hong Kong. Several rounds can be fought against opponents with any variety of martial arts fields of experience or combat skill levels. In fact it is a good way to try out some of the special moves presented in the advanced section. Additionally since the character will likely meet dedicated martial artists, these characters may have further mental or spiritual abilities making them even more deadly. If you also own the Ninjas & Superspies book there are many unique and exclusive martial arts presented which could also be encountered, although you will have to convert them to the 007 RPG. Lastly the inclusion of a dastardly villain in the tournament is a must. The one time I ran this scenario I made it the first time that the players encountered Skorpios as a spectator. His body guard Kushido was the toughest opponent in the tournament, since he has a HTH combat PC= 27, a speed=3, a Strength of 14 and is a Ninja. When it became apparent that the one of the players was likely better than Kushido, Skorpios hired thugs to try and do away with the character. Such chases and subplots around the actual tournament become good grounds to maintain hero points on a day to day basis between fights.
3) Assassination: In the characters business they will almost always gain a lot of enemies, one of these enemies could higher a Ninja to due away with the character. A scenario could be based on avoiding attempts on the characters life by such a trained individual, incorporating many aspects of Ninja weapons and tricks upon each new encounter. Such encounters could be to wear away a character's hero points until the final showdown is a true challenge of skill.